A little about us

So I have a crazy busy hectic.....life. I'm always in the middle of some project or other, running hither and yon taking kids to this and that. This is a way to share those crazy projects and keep those who are interested up to date on our crazy lives.

I am the Mom to a family of 5 +uncountable pets. My husband works essentially two jobs from the months of March-October as he is an umpire for two leagues outside of his "day job." I work part time, and the rest of my time is spent juggling multiple calendars, sports, schools, activities, and pet needs.

Welcome to my world....

Friday, September 30, 2011

Flyball is FUN!!

Flyball is so much fun, even if Mom & Dad had camper problems and it was rainy. This is what cold, rainy flyball looks like!

Marvin, Silk, Cassie

And this is nice, sunny weather flyball!


But flyball in any weather is great. We've raced in hot, hot, sunny summers and in freezing cold, sub-zero winters. We almost always race indoors so the lanes are always nice, but sometimes we crate and camp outside and the weather plays games with us.

I did really good this weekend. My boy, Sam, was my handler and I was really good for him and didn't try to slip away from him or anything. Of course, he is getting smart and figuring out my tricks now and he's bigger than me....

And I thought I'd share this picture of Silk my BC brother. This is what the trip home looks like. We are tired after all of that racing!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


We heard that word today.....FLYBALL! And Mom and Dad are packing....That means trip! Whoo Hoo!!! Starting the packing we make sure that Mom and Dad don't forget the important stuff. Our food, our toys, tugs, other stuff. They pulled out the kit that has the wraps that Marv hates, pulled the camper out of the garage, and are gathering all of the goodies. Can't wait to go!!!!!! I hope we leave soon!