A little about us

So I have a crazy busy hectic.....life. I'm always in the middle of some project or other, running hither and yon taking kids to this and that. This is a way to share those crazy projects and keep those who are interested up to date on our crazy lives.

I am the Mom to a family of 5 +uncountable pets. My husband works essentially two jobs from the months of March-October as he is an umpire for two leagues outside of his "day job." I work part time, and the rest of my time is spent juggling multiple calendars, sports, schools, activities, and pet needs.

Welcome to my world....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cassie started it all

Hi, my name is Cassie...I'm a Jack Russell terrier.  I play a really fun game called flyball....check it out, my Mom wrote all about it.  She says I have to share this blog with my brothers, those nasty Border Collies.  I mean really, it's my job to keep them in line so I must beat them up at least daily.  It's a lot of work.  Did I mention, that I am 11 years old and still as spry and agile as I was when I was a puppy?  Oh, Mom told you differently, ok fine, I'm starting to be a bit stiff after tournaments but whatever, I still want to play.


So flyball, the background for me.  When I was just a puppy, Mom took me to the pet store, it was having this fun thing called a Grand Opening.  And there were these dogs there, and they had my favorite thing, the BALL!!!  And they got to run and play too.  I barked and fussed and did everything I could to join them.  Really it wasn't that hard right, run down, jump, get ball....no problem!  The really cool people there talked my mom into coming out to this thing called "practice."  It was tons of fun, I did really good, I ran down and jumped and got the ball.  I even brought it back to Mom, well kind of....anyway, we kept trying and the people kept adding jumps and dogs and all kinds of nonsense until a few months later I got to play!  Really play, at a thing called a tournament that the other big dogs got to play at.  Well I got really wound up and didn't do it right, so no more tournaments for me for a while.

Mom says it took almost three years for me to figure out the whole game.  Now I'm a pro!  Anyone from anywhere can be my handler, what are they for anyway?  I know the game!  I've even trained my boys and my girl to hold on to me so I don't go to early.  It's tons of fun but also can be frustrating when I don't get to play when I want to!  More later!

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