A little about us

So I have a crazy busy hectic.....life. I'm always in the middle of some project or other, running hither and yon taking kids to this and that. This is a way to share those crazy projects and keep those who are interested up to date on our crazy lives.

I am the Mom to a family of 5 +uncountable pets. My husband works essentially two jobs from the months of March-October as he is an umpire for two leagues outside of his "day job." I work part time, and the rest of my time is spent juggling multiple calendars, sports, schools, activities, and pet needs.

Welcome to my world....

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Long time no see......

It's been forever it seems since we were on here. I'll try to get some posts out and be a bit more regular. Life is crazy, organized yet not, super busy with three dogs, three kids, and three jobs between the two adults in the family.

I'll toss out a quick update here. We retired from flyball in the Spring of 2012. Cassie was showing signs of struggling at 12 years old, Marvin's body had started to break down, and Silk, well Silk only ever played because we asked him to. Don't get me wrong, he loved the sport but at the same time, he's more than happy to be a home body. In addition, we acquired a new dog, Velvet,
who was at the time 13 months old and CRAZY. She was in no way going to be trainable for flyball easily, and with three kids now all in different sports and school activities, as well as gas prices climbing steadily, we decided it was time for retirement. So, as life goes on.....it seems that Cassie's signs of "age" were actually signs of a brain tumor and we lost her suddenly in October of 2012. Marvin and Silk are still going strong at 12 & 10 years old, and Velvet is now three and still crazy.
The kids, well Sam is now 11, in sixth grade and doing well. He plays cello, is currently a purple (soon to be blue) belt in TKD. Daniel and Kyleigh are eight, almost 9 (where does the time go?). Daniel plays baseball and really enjoys it, he also is a purple (almost blue) belt in TKD. Kyleigh is my crazy busy one, she's a gymnast, going into level 4 this summer so lots of practice there, and she plays softball. Plus add school activities, etc and work....yeah my life is crazy busy. But somehow I keep up.

As I'm always onto one project or another....we just finished a bathroom remodel last month. Kyleigh was a huge helper and loved learning how to do all of that stuff.
And my current project is a complete camper remodel. The camper is now eight years old and needed to be cleaned up, etc. As the finances are not there for a new camper, I did some research and found ideas to spruce our old one up. So...stay connected and I'll show you what I did when it is finished.

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