A little about us

So I have a crazy busy hectic.....life. I'm always in the middle of some project or other, running hither and yon taking kids to this and that. This is a way to share those crazy projects and keep those who are interested up to date on our crazy lives.

I am the Mom to a family of 5 +uncountable pets. My husband works essentially two jobs from the months of March-October as he is an umpire for two leagues outside of his "day job." I work part time, and the rest of my time is spent juggling multiple calendars, sports, schools, activities, and pet needs.

Welcome to my world....

Monday, May 5, 2014

The camper make-over

Well here goes nothing. The camper desperately needed a makeover. As it is we squeeze a family of five plus three dogs into a small pop up camper. We desperately needed some organization and freshening up of the eight year old camper. So I did some research, bit the bullet, and hopefully am getting the camper redone for minimal cost. Right now with as much of a weekend as I could spare (which isn't a lot really as kids sports eat up most of my free time), I'm guessing 8-9 solid hours of work. Here's the before....(for a more in use before look at the flyball camping post below)

I hate how dark the camper can be. Plus there is some wear and scratches and such on the cabinets and veneer and the floor was pretty trashed. So on we go.

Step one was to empty the whole thing out. So now my garage looks like this...(only the stuff on the tarp and the seat cushions are from the camper)

What a mess right?? Then the next question is "How in the world did all of that fit in that little camper?" If I can do nothing else well, I can pack!

Next step was priming. I painted all of the wood surfaces with Zinsser primer (they make one for those glossy wood look veneers and it was $18).

Then I found two gallons of semi-gloss white paint in the basement. Free works right?? So add a coat of that.

Next went in the new flooring which was the expensive part at $60 before we return the left over tiles. (Ok so I pulled the flooring before I put the final coat of paint on. Didn't want to damage the nice paint job tearing out the old stuff.) Did you know that the original flooring in campers is cheap vinyl that is all one sheet in the entire box? UNDER everything? So a box cutter and I went to work and pulled most of it out easily in just a few pieces. So wood look, self stick tiles it was.

Things are slowly coming together. I had "help" putting all of the cabinet doors back on and returning everything to it's proper place. Next to make the curtains!

Marvin & Silk hanging out.  I think secretly wondering when we were leaving for the flyball tournament.
Velvet is such a princess!
New fabric for the curtains. We found the green for $2/yd so 12.5 yds of that for $25 more plus we have a lot left over. The bed curtains were curtains I bought at Target, for $44. We reused the mesh and the clips. Then hanging racks and baskets for organization $37. And viola! Nice fresh camper for less than $200.

Here's the final for now.  We need to get a better adhesive under the floors and I'm still debating recovering the cushions, but they don't look so bad now that the rest of the camper is lightened up.  As you can see we took the camper for a road test last weekend.  The new organization and fix ups made the trip much nicer than in the past!

 I love how much lighter it is.  And as you can see, organization is huge when fitting our big family in this small space.

We got the hanging baskets which were so wonderful at keeping the needed little items up out of the way and protecting our fruits and veggies.

The blue totes (there are four total for the camper) were great, kept things together and neat and were inexpensive.  We have two for non-perishable food items and they store under the table when we collapse the camper.  One of those totes stays in the house when we are not camping with our spice kit, coffee, coffee filters/sweetener packets, extra kool-aid mix for kids, anything that can hold up until the next trip.  The other tote stays in the camper until we need it for packing. 

 Then there is the tote for dishes.  This worked great and I got the idea from a pinner on Pinterest.  She also has a great list for packing on her site!  We immediately knew where to find dishes, and then even though we wash them while camping, being able to grab the whole tote and run anything we used through the dishwasher was great!  Once dishes are clean and dry the whole tote slides under the table until next trip.

The last tote has the dog stuff in it..water buckets, sheets, toys, just the basics.  It's separate so that if we camp without dogs we don't have to take it, and it also is nice to be able to set it outside near the pens when we do have the dogs with us.

Enjoy!!  We plan to!

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